A Revolution in Education
As much as our world changes – socially, economically, politically and technologically – for the most part our schools remain the same. Fortunately, there are a number of bold, courageous educators and communities TRANSFORMING what teaching, learning, and schooling can look like so that our youth can pursue their interests and passions. In this 7-part podcast series a number of these amazing educators share not only what is wrong with our current model of education but also what can be done to transform education for the better. We need new images of possibility, and even moreso how we can pursue these new images of possibility across our country. In this series, these amazing educators share first how we are not serving our youth well and then what we could be doing to serve them far better. And, finally, the contributors speak eloquently to the power of relationships within and across communities to transform education toward a greater purpose, and to engage everyone in that transformation.
7 episodes
Episode 1: What's Wrong
What is wrong with our current design of schools?Paula Dillon, Assistant Superintendent of Barrington (RI) SchoolsCorey Mohn, Executive Director of the
Episode 1
Episode 2: What is Possible?
There are educators across the country that have created new “images of possibility” in regards to new school designs. These educators share and discuss these new possibilities. Jon Ketler, co-Director and co-founder of <...
Episode 2
Episode 3: What's Important to Learn?
An inordinate amount of time, energy, and resources have been spent on increase students’ ELA and Math scores on standardized tests. It’s not that begin able to read, write, and do math are not important – but what happens when we ask the...
Episode 3
Episode 4: How Can we Pursue New Designs?
The old model of schools with the focus on content delivery and skills not attentive to or directly connected to the interests, passions, and context of youth needs to go. But how can we pursue new designs of teaching, learning, and schoo...
Episode 4
Episode 5: What can YOU do?
If we are going to make a dent in our education system today and both imagine and pursue new possibilities for our youth and the adults who serve them, then we each have to ask ourselves: What can I do? Three educators offer their thought...
Episode 5
Episode 6: Relationships and Networks for Transformation
There has been a very strong press for networks as catalyzers, incubators, and supports to engender the development of new schools, transformation of schools, and agents of change in our educational ecosystem. Come hear three leading educ...
Episode 6
Episode 7: Can it happen NOW? And how?
Three educators who have been working in the arena of system change in education for many years will share their insights as to what and HOW the system of education and educators at various levels of the system can effectively pursue new possib...
Episode 7